Enforcing international arbitration awards in Australia
The High Court has recently considered whether a foreign State is immune in certain proceedings before Australian courts.
The High Court has recently considered whether a foreign State is immune in certain proceedings before Australian courts.
Australia recovered a portion of its legal and other costs incurred as respondent in arbitral proceedings commenced by Phillip Morris in 2011. By STEPHEN TULLY.
Interrnational arbitration is increasingly chosen for resolving disputes with a cross-border element. Cost and flexibility are among the attractions. By DUNCAN WATSON.
A bilateral agreement can provide Australian parties with a ‘bridge’ into the mainland China court system and its enforcement processes. By NIGEL COTMAN SC and…
A United Nations Conciliation Commission recently decided that conciliation proceedings can proceed between Timor-Leste and Australia. By STEPHEN TULLY.
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the Federal Court of Australia. By THOMAS HURLEY.