Death by crocodile: not necessarily tax-free
Death is not necessarily tax-free. Always consult with clients’ accountants and financial planners when making their will. By JIM MAIN.
Death is not necessarily tax-free. Always consult with clients’ accountants and financial planners when making their will. By JIM MAIN.
Every transaction involving a company has potential tax issues. Landholder duty remains an issue under the Duties Act 1997 (NSW). By JIM MAIN.
CGT exempt is different from income tax exempt and all not asset transfers are exempt on a marriage breakdown. By JIM MAIN.
The foreign resident capital gains withholding amendments increase the number of transactions to which the withholding measure applies but only in relation to property acquisitions…
What applies to GST does not necessarily apply to CGT. By JIM MAIN.
Every succession plan has tax implications. Ensure your client gets good tax advice elsewhere if you can’t give it. By JIM MAIN.