A lyrical lawyer

Maithri Panagoda is a personal injury lawyer and partner at Carroll & O’Dea. He hangs his suit coat – and his work problems – on a hook…

By - 4 min read

Sometimes being beaten up is better

Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa has endured unspeakable violence and indignity in her quest for justice.

By - 2 min read

A life inspired by Mandela

In 1976, a 19-year-old Richard Shakenovsky found himself in the South African police force, doing his mandatory national service.

By - 1 min read

War and Peace

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS 150-YEAR HISTORY, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has appointed a woman, Dr Helen Durham, as the…

By - 2 min read