Tired of court delays? Try these smart strategies

There are strategies you can use to ensure that you don’t contribute to further court delays in client matters.

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How to respond to a colleague who has suffered a loss

Not knowing what to do or say to a grieving colleague is an uncomfortable but common feeling.

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How to deal with an office e-war

Tired of passive aggressive or rude emails? Try these tips.

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How to say no

The guilt free guide to turning something down.

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Talking the talk

Australian lawyers with multilingual talents are out there, and in greater number than you might think. So who are these people who have mastered more…

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Can you have real friends at work?

How can we better understand and manage friendships with colleagues?

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10 rules for email etiquette

If you want to communicate better and avoid an office e-war, follow these tips before you send any email.

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What makes a leader?

Does emotional intelligence differentiate the star performers from average performers?

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What’s in a name?

Is it time for stricter guidelines on how solicitors describe themselves?

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Why conflict is essential to forward motion

Healthy conflict will lift performance. But it’s essential to create the right environment for it.

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