Key developments
- Short-term rental accommodation
- Section 293 Criminal Procedure Act 1986
- R v RB: Attorney-General (NSW) as Intervenor [2019] NSWDC 368
- Review of the pricing framework for electronic conveyancing services in NSW – IPART Draft Report
- Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019
- SIRA’s CTP claim form review
- Offences for the unlawful removal/lopping of trees which does not require consent
- Miscellaneous succession law reforms
- Property and Stock Agents Amendment Regulation
- SIRA Consultation: Review of Guidance note and factsheets
- Religious freedom reforms
Short-term rental accommodation
The Environmental Planning & Development and Property Law Committees contributed to a submission to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in response to a Discussion Paper and draft planning instruments and Regulations to introduce a state-wide planning framework and mandatory Code of Conduct for short-term rental accommodation (‘STRA’).
The Law Society expressed concern about a number of matters such as the enforceability of some of the proposed criteria in the exempt and complying pathways. These include: enforcing fire safety requirements; establishing whether STRA is hosted or non-hosted or whether a property is the host’s ‘principal place of residence’ to establish the relevant day cap; ‘policing’ the relevant day caps and enforcing the code of conduct.