By Darryl Browne -
Key decisions
- Flourentzou v Spink [2019] NSWCA 315
- Croft v Sanders [2019] NSWCA 303
- Carolyn Deigan as executrix for the estate of the late James Boyd Lockrey v Barnard James Fussell [2019] NSWCA 299
- O’Connor v James [2019] VSCA 265
- Sultanova v Bolgarow [2019] VSCA 245
- Re Estate Miruzzi, deceased [2018] NSWSC 1899
- Small v Phillips (No 2) [2019] NSWCA 268
- Secretary, Department of Communities and Justice v OR [2019] NSWSC 1267
National Safety and Quality Healthcare Standards
The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards provide a nationally consistent statement of the level of care consumers can expect from health service organisations. Action 2.5 states that a health service organisation has processes to identify the capacity of a patient to make decisions about their own care and a substitute decision maker if a patient does not have the capacity to make decisions for themselves. (See: Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare website at: