By Glenda Carry and Frances Moffitt -
- The Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) is expected to come into operation on 1 July 2015.
- It directs that where a costs disclosure is made, law firms must turn their mind to ensuring that they obtain their clients’ informed consent to both the proposed course of action for the conduct of the matter and the proposed costs.
- The key to compliance with these provisions is communication.
- When you also consider that poor communication is the second most common category of complaints to the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, the importance of having in place an effective firmwide client communication strategy cannot be over emphasised.
The Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) (‘the LPUL’) is expected to come into operation on 1 July 2015. It directs, at s 174 (3), that where costs disclosure is made pursuant to s 174 (1), law firms must turn their mind to ensuring they obtain their clients’ informed consent to both the proposed course of action for the conduct of the matter and the proposed costs.